
Implementing a Custom View Field in Drupal 8 for Workflow State Integration

Drupal 8's Views module offers a powerful way to display and manage your content. But what if you want to integrate information from your workflows directly into your views? This is where custom view fields come in. In this blog, we'll walk you through creating a custom view field that displays the current workflow state of your nodes.

Why Use a Custom View Field?

There are several reasons why a custom view field for workflow states might be beneficial:

Building the Custom View Field

Module Creation:

  1. Open your terminal and navigate to your Drupal project's root directory.
  2. Run the following command to create a new custom module named my_workflow_view_field:
cd core/modules
drush gen module my_workflow_view_field

This creates the basic module structure with a .info.yml and .module file.

.module File Configuration:

  1. Open the my_workflow_view_field.module file in your code editor.
  2. Add the following code snippet inside the file to implement the hook_views_data function:
* Implements hook_views_data().
function my_workflow_view_field_views_data(&$data) {
    // Define our custom field.
    $data['my_workflow_state'] = [
        'title' => t('Current Workflow State'),
        'help' => t('This field displays the current workflow state of the node.'),
        'field' => [
            'handler' => 'my_workflow_view_field_handler',

This code defines a new field named my_workflow_state with a human-readable title and help text. It also specifies my_workflow_view_field_handler as the handler class responsible for rendering the field.

Custom Field Handler Class:

  1. Create a new file named MyWorkflowViewFieldHandler.php inside your module directory (my_workflow_view_field).
  2. Paste the following code snippet into the file:
getWorkflowState(); // Get current workflow state
        if ($workflow_state) {
        return $workflow_state->label(); // Return the state label
    return []; // Return empty value if no state found

This code defines a class named MyWorkflowViewFieldHandler extending the views_field base class. It includes:

Enable the Module:

  1. Visit the "Extensions" page in your Drupal admin panel (admin/modules).
  2. Locate your my_workflow_view_field module and check the box next to it.
  3. Click the "Install" button to activate the module.

Create a View and Add Your Custom Field:

  1. Navigate to the "Views" section (admin/structure/views).
  2. Create a new view or edit an existing one.
  3. In the "Fields" section, search for "Current workflow state" and add the my_workflow_state field to your view.

(Optional) Customize Field Output:

With these steps, you've created a custom view field that displays the current workflow state of your nodes within your Drupal 8 views. This allows for better organization and management of your content based on its workflow stage.

Here's a breakdown of the steps involved in creating your custom view field:

Additional Considerations

By following these steps and leveraging the provided resources, you can create a custom view field that seamlessly integrates your workflow states into your Drupal 8 views, enhancing your content management experience.